[Interview starts at 37:17] This week, our podcast is all about carp. It’s a more advanced carp podcast with my buddy Dan Frasier, who is one of the most knowledgeable carp anglers I know. Carp are almost never easy and sometimes they are damn near impossible. But they are a fascinating challenge, and a good fish to chase when you aren’t able to travel to more exotic places for big fish–something we all need to concentrate on. I’m going to be doing more podcasts about fishing close to home–a bunch of small stream tips from various parts of the country, and also on bass and panfish. Stay tuned in the coming months. In the Fly Box this week, we have these questions and suggestions form listeners:
- Can I fish steelhead with a single-handed rod? I can’t find any information on it.
- What type of stream bottom is best for rubber with metal studs on the soles, and what type is best with just rubber soles?
- How can I find small wild trout spring creeks in the Northeast?
- My flies don’t look as good as the ones I buy in a fly shop? Should I still fish with them even if the bodies do not have as nice a taper or the wings are too long?
- Does it matter where I put the rubber legs on my panfish flies?
- A suggestion on how to hold onto big trout when they jump
- If a fish in a certain feeding lie gets caught every week, will it move away or will it just become harder to catch?
- What is the best knot for tying a light tippet to a hopper imitation?
- A tip from a physical therapist who has developed an Instagram channel on mobility and strengthening articles just for fly fishers
- Which H3 rod would be best for trout streamers and fairly large bass?
- What is the difference between a good and a really great fly fisher?