[Interview starts at 41:18]
We could all use a little escapism these days, so why not listen to a podcast about adventures in the Amazon? Fly Fisherman Magazine editor and publisher Ross Purnell, in a pre-Covid recorded interview, will thrill you with his adventures with a fly rod in the Amazon, and you will be shocked at how he celebrated the trip. Few of us will be traveling to exotic locations this year, and many of us never will, but it is always enlightening to hear about what fishing is like in a different world. In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions and suggestions:
- Further warnings on UV cure epoxy vapors
- How do I keep my fly tying organized in a small apartment with a wife, dog, and cat?
- Can I use steelhead swinging techniques for skating a caddis when trout fishing?
- How do I learn Euro nymphing?
- How can I find and catch bigger trout than the 12-inchers I usually catch?
- Are there any advanced courses to improve my skills in fly fishing?
- More tips from a fishing guide about how to improve a client’s experience
- Will a very hot car in Texas damage any of my fly-fishing gear?
- I lose trout when they jump. What can I do to prevent this?
- Why didn’t you mention Strike Putty in your TV show on using indicators?
- I caught a trout and got slime on my fly, then the fly didn’t work afterward. Does slime on a fly scare off trout?