[Interview starts at 38:46]
This week I have the pleasure of interviewing one of my very favorite non-fiction writers, Mark Kurlansky. Author of such award-winning books as Cod, Salt, Paper, 1968, and A Continent of Islands, Mark is a tireless journalist who digs into the very essence of anything he does. His new book, Salmon, is his first book that involves sport fishing as well as the natural and economic history of both Atlantic and Pacific salmon. (And he has a book on fly fishing coming out next April). In the Fly Box this week, we have the following tips and questions:
- Should I use a cauterizing pen to clean material out of the eyes of my flies?
- A host of solid tips for the novice Spey caster from a listener
- What makes a good skater fly, and how do you fish them?
- Why don’t more people use the drop-shot method when fishing nymphs?
- How do you attach a dropper to a Euro rig with passing the bottom fly through the loop?
- How can I fish a Euro rig in really tiny streams?
- Is my 8-weight rod too light for pike fishing?
- Where should I fish in relation to a tailrace below a dam, and is a Spey rod a good idea?
- Why did I see a big smallmouth slowly cruising up a small creek?
- What is the best way to break off a fly when you are snagged?
- How can I fish plunge pools in a small stream?
- Does using a UV light when curing epoxy harm your eyes?