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The Orvis Fly-Fishing Podcast The Wonders of Project Healing Waters

This week we talk about Project Healing Waters and the amazing things it has done for veterans with both physical and mental issues due to their service.  Over 8,000 veterans have been introduced to the healing properties of nature and fly fishing in this program, with hundreds of chapters throughout the country and thousands of volunteers.  Todd Desgrosseilliers, decorated Marine veteran and a beneficiary of this program personally, is now the president of Project Healing Waters and he talks frankly about his experiences as a participant and then as an administrator.  Learn about the program and how you can get involved, whether you are a veteran in need of healing or as a possible volunteer.


In the Fly Box this week, we have the following questions and tips:

  • What effects on fishing will the Australian wildfires have?
  • If I see a lot of tiny black stoneflies in the water, does that mean I should be fishing imitations of them?
  • A great additional suggestion on the benefits of a rotary fly-tying vise
  • A stream near me is stocked with brook, brown, and rainbow trout but it can support wild trout.  Why are there only wild rainbows in this stream?
  • Can flies be made by machine?
  • What stream conditions are best for a single-handed Spey cast?
  • How do I tie a second streamer behind an articulated streamer?
  • What should I teach my wife, who has never fly fished, before we go on a guided trip together?
  • How can I practice for a tarpon trip if I only have an 8-weight rod?
  • What technique would you use on the Green River in Utah?
  • Is my 8 ½ foot 7 weight rod enough rod to use on the Salmon River in New York?
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