This week, continuing with my small stream double features programs, I interview Todd Fuchigami of the Ellensburg Angler in Washington [@ 45:48], plus Mel Hayner of Driftless Fly Fishing Company in Minnesota [@1:24:51]. It’s been fascinating for me to learn about the similarities, and the differences in small stream techniques throughout the country. Regardless of where you fish, you’ll pick up great small stream tips from these two.
In the Fly Box this week, we have the following questions and comments:
What is your preferred wet-wading outfit, or do you even wade wet at all during the summer?
If I need a longer dropper on my dry/dropper rig, should I add the extra length with another section of tippet added to the existing one or should I tie on a whole new dropper?
A listener takes me to task and says I should “spend more time on crowded public waters to better answer the fly box questions”
What is the best way to fish small streams when they get turbid from a summer rainstorm?
A couple book recommendations from a listener on small streams and alpine lakes
I normally take both my fly rod and a spinning rod with worms when trout fishing. What do you think of this method?
Are “bait chuckers” seen throughout the country or is it just my local fishing culture in Iowa? And what are some ways to help them see the beauty in fly fishing?
I have a bunch of old fly lines and rods. How do I figure out what line sizes I have?
What really matters when I stare into my fly box? What attributes do you look for and how do you rank them?
How often before you decide to switch flies?
How do I gauge the size of my hen hackles when tying soft hackles?