This week I have no guest interview but a ton of questions waiting in the podcast mailbox so I did an all-Fly Box podcast to catch up on questions. By popular demand, I’ve started to recommend some books on the podcast. This week I recommend my three favorite books on trout biology and natural history.
In the long Fly Box this week, we have these great questions and tips from listeners: A tip on putting a four-piece rod together A tip on where to park your rod when landing a fish Can I use my 9-foot, 5-weight rod for saltwater fishing in the Bay area? Do you think we are in danger of interfering with the natural spread of species, for instance by removing musky from lakes that were not there historically but have spread there naturally? Why do I keep breaking off large trout on a 3X tippet? A very generous offer from a listener to pay for a guide trip for a young listener (from a past show) who has taken 60 trips for trout and has not caught one yet. Should I use a sinking or intermediate line for stripers in the Bay area? Are there any casting techniques I should practice before throwing bigger flies in salt water? A tip from a listener (after getting a tip from me) on the proper way to insert Orvis studs in wading boots. A great tip from a listener on using yellow sticky pads to keep coiled leaders in place. While stripping in my coiled line gets tangled. How can I fix that? How long do you use a fly before changing? And when do you decide to move? Do you believe “Right to Roam” laws like they have in Scotland would be beneficial to Americans? How do you properly de-barb a hook? What midge patterns should I use in Wisconsin? What would a well-rounded fly rod quiver for the eastern United States look like? I keep bumping my rod guides when taking apart my rod. How can I fix that, and how can I fix a loose guide? A caller letting me know that a co-host on one of our live events mis-spoke about how to assemble a rod. I can catch fish on a Parachute Adams and swung wet flies in a small stream but can’t catch them on nymphs. What am I doing wrong? A listener who fixed a problem with breaking 4X tippet tied to a size 6 hook makes a suggestion on some great products. I am curious to buy a bamboo or fiberglass rod. Where should I start? What fly-fishing magazines does Tom read?