Ever wanted to take a fishing trip to Montana (who doesn’t)? For a first trip to the Rockies, generally I suggest people center in the greater Yellowstone area because of the vast amount of public land and great trout streams in that area, which includes portions of Wyoming and Idaho as well as Montana. This week I have enlisted a real expert on that area (not a tourist like me). Joe Moore [@48:55] is a longtime guide and owner of Big Sky Anglers located right in the middle of downtown West Yellowstone. Joe gives us some great tips on timing, tackle, and suggested rivers. Essential knowledge for your post-Covid road trip.
Lots of great questions in the Fly Box this week, including: How much backing should I put on my 6-weight reel? Is there such a thing as too much backing? How do I get my significant other into fly fishing? How can I fish for freshwater stripers in deep, murky water? Can I use barbless hooks for bass, pike, and musky? What is the best method for taking water temperatures? How important is it that nymphs drift in the upright position? I am taking a high mountain backpacking trip and only want to take one rod. Should I take my 3-weight or my 5-weight? What is that little spring behind the jaws of my vise? Do “triggers” on fly patterns work? Do weed guard interfere with solid takes? Do jig hooks really hang up less often that standard weighted patterns? How can I repair a fly line with a cut in it? Do you know anyone who has switched from casting right-handed to casting left-handed? Why are triploid trout stocked? Can I use a sinking poly leader for striped bass fishing?