My guest this week is Josh Nugent of Out Fly Fishing Outfitters, an Orvis-endorsed outfitting service and fly shop in Calgary [@52:23]. Josh is a lifelong student of fly fishing and actually did a college-level study on the eye movements of expert fly casters. His findings will open your eyes (no pun intended) to some little tricks that will improve your casting accuracy.
In the Fly Box this week, we have some great questions and comments, including: Will stocked trout move around after they are initially stocked? How do I keep from losing my droppers when using barbless hooks? Can you give me some tips in fishing for bass in ponds in early season? Where do our fly-tying materials come from? Are they just repackaged products from other industries? How do I keep my rod sections from coming apart? A listener suggestion for books on hatches in east Tennessee from a question on a previous podcast I want to fish for smallmouths in a river and stripers in the ocean. What fly line should I get? What fundamentals go through your head on every single cast? A listener (and professional fisheries manager) takes me to task for badmouthing triploid trout. I am having trouble hooking fish in a lake when using a sinking line from my kayak. What am I doing wrong? I have an old South Bend bamboo rod. How should I fish with it? How do I eliminate “creep” in my cast? How can I get Dragon Tails to hold up better?