A couple of hours were spent making up some new homemade fishing baits. This is based on the normal gummy bait recipe that I use. This time I used some paddle tail bait top-pour moulds that you can buy off eBay. They make an interesting and potentially more effective gummy bait than using the worm sweet moulds that I have used I the past.
These are made using the gummy bait recipe and I used some top-pour paddle tail moulds. These were made with yellow colouring to suit the muddy waters of the River Usk and I added a good dose of crab flavour scent attractant.
The recipe was:
- 0.5 cup of commercial grade 240bloom pork gelatine
- 0.5 cup of water
- 0.25 cup of glycerine.
Then I just added a good dose of food colouring and scent attractant. Left them in the moulds for a couple of hours to set before unmoulding them and putting them into an air-tight container.
This is a fun recipe to make totally biodegradable fishing baits with no plastic or nasty chemical to pollute the environment. I will be looking at buying some more silicon bait moulds from eBay to give different shapes a test. While the bait moulds are expensive they can be used many times. Provided the gummy baits hold up under use in the river then it will be a fun way to make up some baits for fishing.